MyGrant PRO
MyGrant PRO provides you with a unique and complete solution for professional management of both pre- and post-award activities
Fundraising – Customize your fundraising and create a strategy.
Collect your favourite funding opportunities from commercial databases and agency websites, and combine with own experiences to get a personal funding database. Store funding opportunities in specific lists and plan the application process thorugh highly illustrative deadline charts.
Applications – Track the application process and get your success rates.
Keep track of your grant applications and status – pending, rejected or granted. Apply for funding for specific projects and follow the funding rates and success rates. Store copies of the submitted applications.
Grant Management – Manage your grants and resources.
Manage your grants and resources in a complete grant portfolio. Plan grant tasks, allocate personnel and get an overview of the awarded budgets. Store copies of grant letters, payment requests and other relevant documents.
Accounting – Control your grant budgets and expenses.
Track your expenses and compare to the grant budgets. Quickly generate overviews of key figures and annual accounts. Work time spend on specific tasks can be tracked with the Time Tracking feature.
Timely – Get organized and be on time.
Organize important deadlines and activities. Notifications and proper planning helps you to be on time with all the tasks.
Click here for a presentation of MyGrant PRO (in ENG)